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JWST: A era de ouro da astronomia
Talk at Practice UFFS Lives from the Federal University of the South Frontier
JWST: Astronomy's golden age
JWST: A era de ouro da astronomia
Talk at Astronomia ao meio-dia from the Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics, and Asmotpheric Science of the University of São Paulo
JWST: Astronomy's golden age
Classification of galactic nuclei
Received honorable mention for Best Ongoing Master's Degree Presentation category
Presented on the event IAG Science Day
A representatividade feminina na ciência
Round table promoted by the Coffee with Chemistry from University of Ponta Grossa
The female representation in science
Debate: A Ciência é Racializada?
Organizer and chair of the debate from University of São Paulo
Is science racist?
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