My name is Catarina Pasta Aydar, and I am an astronomer from São Paulo, Brazil.
I adore learning about the Universe and getting connected with Nature. I also appreciate exchanging ideas and being with others; I believe that we develop ourselves through contact with diversity.
I enjoy traveling and organizing events, especially when they can open up people's minds. I am often involved in actions to make academia more accessible for minorities and society in general.
Dancing, practicing yoga and meditation, listening to music, writing poems, and dreaming are the things I am most passionate about. I live for love and respect, and work for humanity to better understand where and who we are.

2022 - ...
PhD in Astronomy
Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics (MPE)
Advised by Andrea Merloni and Kirpal Nandra
Spectroscopic followup of the eROSITA all-sky X-ray survey: AGN feedback in connection with the growing large-scale structure
2019 - 2021
Master's degree in Astronomy
University of São Paulo (IAG-USP)
Advised by João Steiner, Claudia Mendes de Oliveira and Roderik Overzier
Best thesis award in the Department of Astronomy in 2021
2014 - 2018
Bachelor degree in Physics
University of São Paulo (IFUSP)
Initiation to scientific research advised by João Steiner
Alternative criteria for galactic nuclei classification
Gemini (GMOS)
The Lya halos of radio galaxies at the edge of reionization
Principal Investigator, 18.6 hours, 2022
James Webb Space Telescope (NIRSpec)
The role of radio AGN feedback in massive galaxies at z=4-6
Co-Investigator, Cycle 1, 24 hours, 2022
Hubble Space Telescope (ACS/WFC3)
The host galaxy and environment of a radio galaxy near the epoch of reionization
Co-Investigator, Cycle 29, 18 orbits, 2022
Pico dos Dias Observatory
Color-magnitude diagram of NGC 4755
Co-Investigator, 6 hours, 2019
Tutor of Astrominas: seizing the scientific Universe for female High school students
Prof. Elysandra Cypriano, 2020-2021, IAG-USP
Tutor of Improvement course in astronomy for High school teachers
Prof. João Steiner, 2020, IAG-USP
Monitor of Astronomy: a general overview
Prof. João Steiner, 2019, IAG-USP
Academic Committees
International Max Planck Research Schools (IMPRS)
2022 PhDs' student representative
2020, 2022
Department Research Committee (IAG-USP)
Graduate student representative
2020, 2022
Graduate School Committee (IAG-USP)
Graduate student representative (substitute)
Department Council (IAG-USP)
Graduate student representative (substitute)
Astronomy Graduate School Committee (IAG-USP)
Graduate student representative (substitute)
2017, 2018
Physics Institute Administrative Council (IFUSP)
Undergraduate student representative
2015, 2016
Physics Library Council (IFUSP)
Undergraduate student representative
Evaluation Committees
SIICUSP - Symposium of scientific initiation from the University of São Paulo (IAG-USP)
Astronomy Department
1st and International stages
Improvement course in astronomy for High school teachers (IAG-USP)
Experience reports regarding teaching astronomy in High School